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Local Cloud Backups Add-on Tutorial: How to Make the Most of It

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Conducting site backups on a regular basis, whether local or in the cloud, can be a time-consuming task. So much so, that many site owners will forego it altogether, which can lead to significant data loss and even lost revenue. And then, all that concern over time lost performing backups seems like small potatoes compared to the time and money lost when your data vanishes into thin air. 

Luckily, making use of a straightforward backup tool can save you time and effort, and ensure the safety of your data with minimal fuss. 

The Cloud Backups add-on for Local (aka Local by Flywheel) is a great addition to your workflow and is easy to set up and use. Today,  we’ll show you how to get started with this add-on, discuss how you can make the most of its features, plus offer a few suggestions for specific use cases and troubleshooting.