Best WordPress Hosting

The Best Local WordPress Development Environment: XAMPP vs MAMP vs Laragon vs Local

A local development environment lets you make changes to dev sites quickly without having to transfer files. It also greatly reduces the risk of making and breaking changes on a live web server. In this article, we’ll discuss the key Continue reading The Best Local WordPress Development Environment: XAMPP vs MAMP vs Laragon vs Local

How WebDevStudios Saves Time and Simplifies Elementor Migrations for Enterprise Clients

This article was written by WebDevStudios Director of Accounts Jen Miller, MBA, MSML. A WP Engine Agency Partner, WebDevStudios is a WordPress website design and development agency creating quality-driven digital experiences that fuel client success. According to W3 Techs 43.2% Continue reading How WebDevStudios Saves Time and Simplifies Elementor Migrations for Enterprise Clients

Freenginx’s Stand Against Corporate Limits: Potentially A New Era for WordPress Hosting

The Latest In a recent development within the world of web servers, the highly regarded service Nginx has undergone a significant transformation. Russian developer Maxim Dounin has made waves by announcing a new fork of the Nginx web server and Continue reading Freenginx’s Stand Against Corporate Limits: Potentially A New Era for WordPress Hosting

Interactivity API Prepares for its Official Debut in WordPress 6.5

tl;dr The Interactivity API is merging into WordPress 6.5. It revolutionizes site interactivity by standardizing the development of interactive elements. This makes it easier for developers and enhances user experiences. It enables dynamic interactions like shared data across blocks without Continue reading Interactivity API Prepares for its Official Debut in WordPress 6.5