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Checkout page UX – How to provide a good user experience on your checkout page

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The last step in an online buying process is always the checkout page; your website’s cash register. It consists of a number of steps that lead to a completion of a purchase. It’s not uncommon for people to abandon their shopping carts during the checkout process due to a bad user experience. And it’s a shame when this happens. In this post, we’ll discuss the things you can improve, from the UX of your shopping cart to your thank you page. We’ll tell you how to make your visitors as comfortable as possible while they complete their purchases.

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Before we begin, please realize that conversion and checkout page UX go hand in hand. Improving the UX of your checkout process will influence conversion as well. For instance, a too complicated checkout process accounts for 17% of cart abandonment. So you should be looking to make your potential customers as comfortable as possible while they complete their purchases. Don’t lose out on a purchase because of bad checkout page UX. With that said, let’s explore the various elements on your checkout page that affect user experience.