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The benefits of prioritizing and measuring performance in WordPress 6.2

Based on lab benchmarks, WordPress 6.2 loads 14-18% faster overall for block themes and 2-5% faster overall for classic themes (measured via Largest Contentful Paint / LCP). Particularly server-side performance (measured via Time to First Byte / TTFB) is seeing Continue reading The benefits of prioritizing and measuring performance in WordPress 6.2

iNaturalist Retrospective Recap

Time: Wednesday, September 28th at 20:00 UTC Attendees: @beccawidom, @krysal, @sarayourfriend, @aetherunbound We held a retrospective for discussing & processing the recent iNaturalist provider ingestion script contribution from @beccawidom. We spent several minutes writing sticky notes of our thoughts, then Continue reading iNaturalist Retrospective Recap