Best WordPress Hosting

How To Create a MongoDB Database: 6 Critical Aspects To Know

Based on your requirements for your software, you might prioritize flexibility, scalability, performance, or speed. Hence, developers and businesses are often confused while picking a database for their needs. If you need a database that provides high flexibility and scalability, Continue reading How To Create a MongoDB Database: 6 Critical Aspects To Know

Backup Plugin Battle: Which is the Best WordPress Backup Plugin in 2022?

Backing up your site is a little like buying fire insurance. You never need it outside of a catastrophe, but not having it is just going to make the catastrophe worse. In this article, we’ll cover why you need to Continue reading Backup Plugin Battle: Which is the Best WordPress Backup Plugin in 2022?

Understanding WordPress GUIDs: What They Are, and Why Change Them

The WordPress GUID is a unique identifier for individual posts, pages, media, and practically any other custom post type. As such, it’s a key element in rendering your WordPress content and powering the WordPress RSS feeds which allow you to Continue reading Understanding WordPress GUIDs: What They Are, and Why Change Them

The Ultimate Developer’s Guide to the WordPress Database

Here at Delicious Brains we eat, drink and sleep databases. However, we believe that any developer working with WordPress should have some level of knowledge about the database that sits behind a site. So I have put together the ultimate Continue reading The Ultimate Developer’s Guide to the WordPress Database

Find Slow WordPress or WooCommerce Database Queries with WP-CLI

Slow database queries can really kill the performance and user experience of your WordPress site or WooCommerce store. Most users will try Query Monitor to identify slow MySQL queries on their site which is a fantastic plugin. If you want Continue reading Find Slow WordPress or WooCommerce Database Queries with WP-CLI

Announcing X-Ray For Mergebot: Visualize Your Database Changes

Something new is coming to Mergebot, our solution for making merging database changes easier. One of the hardest things during site development is seeing what has been done to the database so you can replicate it on the live site. Continue reading Announcing X-Ray For Mergebot: Visualize Your Database Changes