Best WordPress Hosting

Ben Metcalfe from WP Engine weighs in on a new breed of hosting, using social media for support, and how he missed out on @ben

Ben Metcalfe is the definition of an Internet professional. With more than 11 years industry experience under his belt, Ben has previously spent time working on the development of MySpace and websites at the BBC. He is the founder of Continue reading Ben Metcalfe from WP Engine weighs in on a new breed of hosting, using social media for support, and how he missed out on @ben

How to Enable SSL on Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, AppEngine, Posterous & More…

UPDATES: SSL is now included on all Plans, and Tumblr is no longer compatible with CloudFlare. The number of services today that allow you to quickly get online is stunning. Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, AppEngine, Posterous, Ning, TypePad, Smugmug, and more Continue reading How to Enable SSL on Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, AppEngine, Posterous & More…