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How to Enable SSL on Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, AppEngine, Posterous & More…

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UPDATES: SSL is now included on all Plans, and Tumblr is no longer compatible with CloudFlare.

The number of services today that allow you to quickly get online is stunning. Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger, AppEngine, Posterous, Ning, TypePad, Smugmug, and more allow anyone to publish content online. Unfortunately, most don’t support SSL. This means that, if you access one of these platforms from a shared network connection, like a coffee shop or airport wifi, someone can use a tool like Firesheep to sniff your session cookie information and gain access to your account even without your password.

While the risk of this for most people isn’t very high, our customer support team has been getting more and more inquiries about whether CloudFlare can add SSL encryption to these third party platforms. Justin on our team wanted to find out how easy it was so he used his own Tumblr blog ( to find out.