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What Is Bun? An All-in-One Runtime Taking on Node.js

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JavaScript is one of the world’s most popular and widely adopted programming languages. It ͏powers web applications, mobile apps, desktop software, and even embedded devices. Despite its widespread use, it’s not without its challenges. Like all technologies, JavaScript grapples with issues related to performance, compatibility, security, and complexity.

To address these issues, several JavaScript runtimes have been developed over the years. Node.js and Deno stand out, each bringing solutions to address JavaScript’s limitations. However, while they’ve solved many issues, they also introduced new ones, such as the need for unnecessary packages and slower runtime performance.

Now, there’s Bun, a JavaScript runtime that has been around for a while, but the team only recently released a stable version in September 2023. Bun is created to be a direct, more efficient alternative to Node.js.