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The Google Leak: insights and implications for SEO best practices

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In the SEO universe, paradigm shifting insights can suddenly appear out of nowhere, like a decloaking warbird a little too close to the neutral zone, catching even the most seasoned captains by surprise. The recent Google API leak has sent such a shockwave through the SEO quadrant, igniting intense discussions and debates within the community. We’ve laid in a course to navigate the nebula of this new information, examining the implications of the leak and how it correlates with Yoast’s established SEO protocols, providing clear guidance amidst these cosmic shifts.

Yoast’s perspective on understanding The Leak:

The contents of the leaked documents do not contain the secret recipe for the algorithm. They are lists of API calls that can retrieve specific bits of information from the data that Google is tracking and storing. When reading through the API documentation, remember that presence or existence is not definite confirmation of current use. Please do not confuse existence with use, or mistake any of the data points included in the leak as “proof” that “Google’s been lying to us!” The existence or presence of certain data points in Google’s API documentation does not mean those data points are actively being used as ranking factors in the algorithm. The only thing confirmed is that the data is collected and stored for potential use, but the existence of the data itself does not prove it is actively used in the ranking algorithm.