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Introducing Wordfence CLI 3.0.1: Now With Automatic Remediation!

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Note: This post refers to Wordfence CLI, the command line tool for operations teams to rapidly scan large numbers of WordPress websites for vulnerabilities and malware, not the Wordfence plugin which is deeply integrated into WordPress and provides additional functionality, like a firewall, two-factor authentication and more.

We’re excited today to announce Wordfence CLI 3.0.1, codename “Ghost Rider” which has a much requested new feature: automatic remediation! Wordfence CLI can scan thousands of sites at once, and uncover massive infections. Automatic remediation provides a way to remove this malware en masse. Any malware found by Wordfence CLI in existing WordPress files can be automatically removed by restoring the file to its original contents.

We’ve seen other server based malware scanners use more destructive methods of malware removal, such as deleting or chmod’ing files containing malware that causes production sites to whitescreen, since the file containing the malware is a WordPress core file. Automatic remediation in Wordfence CLI is designed specifically to prevent this scenario while removing the underlying malware infection.