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How To Draw Radar Charts In Web

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I got to work with a new type of chart for data visualization called a radar chart when a project asked for it. It was new to me, but the idea is that there is a circular, two-dimensional circle with plots going around the chart. Rather than simple X and Y axes, each plot on a radar chart is its own axis, marking a spot between the outer edge of the circle and the very center of it. The plots represent some sort of category, and when connecting them together, they are like vertices that form shapes to help see the relationship of category values, not totally unlike the vectors in an SVG.

Sometimes, the radar chart is called a spider chart, and it’s easy to see why. The axes that flow outward intersect with the connected plots and form a web-like appearance. So, if your Spidey senses were tingling at first glance, you know why.

You already know where we’re going with this: We’re going to build a radar chart together! We’ll work from scratch with nothing but HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But before we go there, it’s worth noting a couple of things about radar charts.