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How To Disable Comments on WordPress – 3 Easy Methods

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If you are looking at how to disable WordPress comments, we’ve got you covered. Comments are an integral part of the WordPress experience. It’s a way for your site visitors to give their thoughts on your content and engage them to interact with the site. Search engines index the comments as well, so they can slightly improve your SEO.

So why are we exploring different ways to disable them? Good question. The answer – comments can be problematic or simply unnecessary. For example, you don’t need comments on your ‘About’ or ‘Contact Us’ page. Some other undesirable aspects can be spam, trolls, phishing attempts, self-promotion, etc.

The good news is that you can disable WordPress comments easily and even partially if necessary. For instance, you can choose to disable comments on pages, posts, attachments, custom post types, or even just a selected few pages or posts. Depending on what you want to achieve, you can use different approaches.