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Creating UI Elements With HTMX

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HTMX is a JavaScript library that enables developers to perform AJAX requests, trigger CSS animations, and invoke WebSocket and server-side events directly from HTML elements. It is designed to remove a lot of the developer-managed JavaScript from the frontend by adding more properties to HTML. In this article, we’ll look into how to build simple UI elements with HTMX, examine how it works with WordPress, and see how you can start experimenting with HTMX right in your browser.

HTMX is designed to allow you to create dynamic, interactive elements with minimal code. It’s a relatively lightweight library, so it shouldn’t add a lot of overhead. However, calling it a library to begin with may be incorrect. If we define a tool by how it’s most often used, then HTMX is usually a framework.

The precise distinction between a library and a framework can get a bit blurry. Ultimately, whether HTMX is considered a library or a framework depends on how you define the terms and how you’re using it.