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All about Core Web Vitals: INP (Interaction to Next Paint)

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Google’s Core Web Vitals have emerged as critical metrics for SEO. These metrics help you optimize your websites for a superior user experience. A new player is making headlines among these vital metrics: Interaction to Next Paint (INP). This one replaces the First Input Delay (FID). This post will explain what INP entails, its significance, and how to improve your site’s performance for SEO.

Essence of Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Interaction to Next Paint measures the responsiveness of a web page to user inputs, such as clicks, taps, and keypresses. It represents the time from when a user interacts with your page to when they see a response on the screen. Unlike its predecessor, First Input Delay, which only accounted for the first input, INP provides a broader view by capturing the responsiveness throughout the life of the page.