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WordPress 6.2.1 Update Breaks Shortcode Support in Block Templates

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WordPress 6.2.1 was released yesterday and rolled out to sites with automatic background updates enabled. The update included five important security fixes. Ordinarily, a maintenance and security release can be trusted not to break a website, but many users are struggling after 6.2.1 removed shortcode support from block templates.

A support forum thread tracking the broken shortcodes issue shows that this change impacts how plugins display things like breadcrumbs, newsletter signup forms, WPForms, Metaslider, bbPress content, and more. The problem affects template blocks, not sites that are using non-FSE themes.

“It’s absolutely insane to me that shortcodes have been removed by design!” @camknight said in the support forum discussion. “Every single one of our agency’s FSE sites uses the shortcode block in templates for everything: filters, search, ACF & plugin integrations. This is chaos!!”