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Wordfence CLI 2.1.0 Adds Email Capability and Unattended Configuration

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Note: This post refers to Wordfence CLI, the command line tool for operations teams to rapidly scan large numbers of WordPress websites for vulnerabilities and malware, not the Wordfence plugin which is deeply integrated into WordPress and provides additional functionality, like a firewall, two-factor authentication and more.

We’ve just released Wordfence CLI 2.1.0 which includes two exciting new capabilities. Wordfence CLI can now email you a summary of scan results for both the malware scan and the vulnerability scan. These emails can be sent directly, or via an SMTP server. Now when Wordfence CLI detects malware or finds a vulnerable plugin or theme, CLI will notify you of the results. This is a feature we’ve been asked about quite a lot, so we’re happy to be able to share it with the world!

The second feature adds a non-interactive configuration option that allows Wordfence CLI to be deployed at scale, unattended, by operations teams using configuration management. We wanted to avoid forcing users to run CLI in interactive mode, because we understand that larger network administrators will be deploying CLI unattended and automatically using configuration management systems.