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Wordfence 7.10.0 Released!

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Wordfence remains the number one security plugin of choice for website owners serious about protecting their investment and their customers. Our Threat Intelligence team and engineering team stay abreast of the newest threats and ensure that Wordfence is able to protect against them. But keeping a product like Wordfence ahead of the pack requires that we maintain and improve many other aspects of the product including performance, internationalization, the user interface, and that we continue to add improvements and bug fixes as they’re discovered.

Wordfence 7.10.0 has just been released and incorporates many of those ongoing improvements like improving the ability to internationalize Wordfence messages that are customer facing, clarifying messages around plugins that have been removed from the repository and even recognizing the Prespa Accord which resolved a decades long dispute over the name of the Republic of North Macedonia.

A huge thanks and congrats to the entire engineering team at Wordfence for this latest release, Wordfence 7.10.0. I think you’ll find many features you’ve been asking for, or looking forward to, are included in Wordfence 7.10.0. You can find the details of what is included in this release, below.