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WordCamp US 2023 Looked to the Future and Beyond

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Landing in Washington DC you immediately feel the history. You feel the weight of the decisions being made in the city and it gives you a sense of pride for belonging to something bigger than yourself. That’s why it was such an apt setting for WordCamp US 2023, on the heels of the 20th anniversary of the CMS. Being around community members and seeing the work they’re doing shows how far we’ve come in 20 years and where the CMS can go in the future. 

The Gaylord National Resort was buzzing with the excitement of WordPressers eager to discuss the thing they love. People from all over the world gathered to learn, network, and celebrate the thing they love. 

The talks were informative, the hallway track was active, and the sightseeing was unmatched. If you missed any of the sessions, they will be up on WordPress.TV.