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WordCamp Europe 2023 Speaker Applications Open, Organizers Call for More Interactive Sessions

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WordCamp Europe 2023 is being hosted in Athens this year with two conference days scheduled for June 9 and 10. The first day’s theme is “WordPress Now” (Everything that can be currently achieved with WordPress) and the second day is “WordPress Tomorrow.”

Organizers have opened the call for speakers and are especially interested in scheduling talks that “empower people to feel more comfortable using WordPress.” They are soliciting new voices this year with fresh perspectives.

After reviewing attendee feedback from the previous year, organizers have identified more than three dozen requested topics across the development, business, community, and design categories. These include many more development topics, such as security, CI/CD, headless CMS, ReactJS for PHP Developers / Building Blocks, and more. Attendees are also eager to hear about content monetization, recurring revenue, GDPR compliance, brand identity, and designing for accessibility, to list a few examples.