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Solid Security vs Wordfence

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The most important thing to know about WordPress firewall plugins is the amount of protection they offer against real threats, but we are somehow the only ones that do testing that would measure that. A lot of the claimed threats that WordPress security plugins claim to protect against are not really threats. What is a real threat is vulnerabilities in other plugins being exploited and that is something that firewall plugins can provide protection against. The developers of Solid Security and Wordfence Security make it sound like they provide strong protection against those vulnerabilities, but in reality, they don’t do a very good job or provide no protection whatsoever.

Recently, the iThemes Security plugin was rebranded as Solid Security. Alongside that came new misleading marketing about what protection it offers. Among those is the claim that “Solid Security shields your site from cyberattacks and prevents security vulnerabilities.” They also have a bolded claim that the plugin will “Reduce your WordPress website’s risk to nearly zero”. [Read more]