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How To Deal With Big Tooling Upgrades In Large Organizations

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If you work in software development, you probably know a thing or two about using and maintaining third-party packages. While third-party tooling has its fair share of downsides, there are plenty of advantages as well. The efficiency you get from code that someone else has already written speeds up development and is hard to deny. Sure, there are all sorts of considerations to take in before plopping code from a third party — accessibility, technical debt, and security, to name a few — but the benefits may make taking on those considerations worthwhile for your team.

Upgrades are also part of that set of considerations. Usually, your team may treat this sort of maintenance as a simple task or chore: upgrading dependencies and (automatically) validating that all of the features keep functioning as expected. You probably even have automated checks for keeping all package versions up to date.

But what if the third-party tooling you adopt is big? I mean big, big. That’s common in large organizations. I happen to work for a fairly large organization that leverages big third-party resources, and upgrading those tools is never as simple as running a package update and moving on. I thought I’d share what’s involved in that process because there are many moving pieces that require ample planning, strategy, and coordination. Our team has learned a lot about the process that I hope will benefit you and your team as well.