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How Smashing Magazine Uses TinaCMS To Manage An Editorial Workflow

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Smashing Magazine is drastically different today than it was just a few years ago, and you may not have even noticed. That’s how it often is with back-end development — the complete architecture changes, yet the front end you see is still very much the same.

You may recall this site was powered by WordPress up until 2019 when the team migrated our large archive of articles, guides, and tutorials to a Jamstack setup. The change was less of a mission than it was an experiment that stuck around. Sure, WordPress is still an incredibly viable CMS, especially for a site like Smashing Magazine that focuses on long-form content. But after seeing a blazing 6× improvement in page speed performance, Jamstack was something we couldn’t dismiss because the faster experience was a clear win for readers like you.

What we may not have expected was how the migration from WordPress to Jamstack would improve our developer experience in the process. We knew for sure that users benefitted from the change, but it wound up making our lives easier as well, as it opened up even more possibilities for what we can accomplish on the site — a real win-win outcome!