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Gutenberg 15.7 Adds Site Logo Upload to Inspector Controls

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Gutenberg 15.7 was released this week, adding Site Logo upload and replacement from the inspector controls sidebar. This feature is still available in the block toolbar but it feels like a natural addition to the inspector, as it was previously available in a similar fashion in the Customizer. Here users can easily adjust the logo width and set whether the image links to home, opens in a new tab, and more.

Version 15.7 changed the behavior of the top toolbar fixed setting to address a few issues outlined by Gutenberg lead architect Matias Ventura.

“The top toolbar has stagnated a bit while the feature set of the editor has evolved,” Ventura said. He identified the two most important issues this design change solves – the lack of a parent selector for nested blocks and the overall increase in the editor’s UI footprint. The toolbar has been updated in the following ways: