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CAPTCHA 4WP version 7.2.0 is out now

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We are happy to announce the release of CAPTCHA 4WP version 7.2.0. This version adds some very useful features and a number of improvements and bug fixes that’ll surely make it a great upgrade for anyone running this plugin – and many more reasons to get this plugin for those who aren’t.

ReCAPTCHA V3 fallback

ReCAPTCHA V3 is the latest version of ReCAPTCHA, offering an intrusion-less way to add ReCAPTCHA checks to your WordPress forms. We have now added a fallback mechanism that allows website administrators to define what happens when a check fail, including switching to V2 I’m not a robot or redirecting the visitor to a specific URL. This will help you ensure that no legitimate visitors are unable to proceed due to a false negative.