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Building Complex Forms In Vue

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More often than not, web engineers always have causes to build out forms, from simple to complex. It is also a familiar pain in the shoe for engineers how fast codebases get incredibly messy and incongruously lengthy when building large and complex forms. Thus begging the question, “How can this be optimized?”.

Consider a business scenario where we need to build a waitlist that captures the name and email. This scenario only requires two/three input fields, as the case may be, and could be added swiftly with little to no hassle. Now, let us consider a different business scenario where users need to fill out a form with ten input fields in 5 sections. Writing 50 input fields isn’t just a tiring job for the Engineer but also a waste of great technical time. More so, it goes against the infamous “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle.

In this article, we will focus on learning to use the Vue components, the v-model directive, and the Vue props to build complex forms in Vue.