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Automattic’s WPScan, Wordfence, and Patchstack Don’t Appear to Have a Basic Grasp of What Vulnerabilities Are

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Recently Automattic’s WPScan claimed that there had been what is normally a fairly serious type of vulnerability in a WordPress plugin. That being, as they put it, an “unauthenticated stored XSS” vulnerability or, as we would put it, a persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. That would allow an attacker not logged in to WordPress to cause JavaScript code they crafted to run for other visitors of the website. Depending on where that would run, that could, among other things, be used to cause malware to be included on front end pages of the website or code that causes users logged in to WordPress as Administrators to take action they didn’t want to happen. Both of those are things that hackers have been known to try to do on a wide scale.

Here is their description of the issue: [Read more]