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WooCommerce 6.1.1 Fix Release

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WooCommerce 6.1.1 is available now. This release resolves a bug introduced in 6.1.0, rolls back the deprecation introduced in 6.1.0, and improves WooCommerce’s support for WordPress 5.9.

Here’s what’s new:

Introduced support for the Twenty Twenty-Two theme, ahead of the release of WordPress 5.9. (#31536, #31575, #31619, #31626, #31632, #31630, #31631, #31633, #31634)Updated the version of WooCommerce Blocks to 6.5.2, which includes a fix for Store Editing Templates, which mostly affects sites running WordPress 5.9. (#5519)We reverted the warning about the deprecation to is_ajax introduced in 6.1.0. This was causing issues on some sites when WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY was set to true in production. Despite this rollback, we recommend not displaying debug information on production sites. (#31672)We fixed an jQuery compatibility issue with FlexSlider introduced in 6.1.0. (#31623)