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Why You Need CAPTCHA on Your WordPress Website

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You’re about to make an online purchase but all of a sudden you’re asked to decode a strangely twisted word, make a simple calculation, or identify which images presented include a bus. What just happened? What is this popup that looks like a cross between a game and a test – but that’s definitely wasting your time?

You were confronted with a CAPTCHA or Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. It’s a method used by website owners to identify human visitors and users, then enable logged in users to make purchases, view pages, or create accounts. It also works as a way to block bots and fraudulent users.

This blog post examines CAPTCHAs, what they’re used for, and how this technology relates to WordPress website security. We’ll also look at the different kinds of CAPTCHA and their limitations.