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Why Would a Hacker Attack My Website?

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This is a common question you might ask when your worst nightmare starts coming true. Why would a hacker attack my website? Rest assured, the chances of the attack being personal are slim to none. Hackers have underlying motives that have nothing to do with the content of your website. Hackers typically don’t care whether your website is a charity page for homeless puppies or a site with tons of cool merch for sale.

However, it’s hard not to feel targeted when a faceless identity has hacked into your website, causing chaos and turmoil. You feel stressed out, and like the situation is spinning out of your control. You feel personally attacked and wonder if there was a way to stop the attack from happening. You might even wonder if there’s any salvaging the wreckage that was your website.

It’s natural to wonder about these things after the breach of your website. After all, you worked hard to craft your website, building it from the ground up. You’ve watched your website grow and mature, and the destruction of this is upsetting to even the most hardened website owner.