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The “Mark Zahra” Problem That the WordPress Community Deals With

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The poor treatment of WordPress plugin developers by those in control of WordPress has recently gotten attention because of an odd, largely unexplained, situation involving removing a chart showing the install growth of plugins on their WordPress Plugin Directory pages.

One of the people that was prominently featured in the discussion over that was someone named Mark Zahra. He seems like a good example of an all too common archetype in the WordPress space. That would be someone who conflates things being done that benefit their own business interests with what is in the interest of the wider WordPress community and pushes an overly positive view of the community. That overly positive view contrasts with those people’s own behavior, which is harmful to others in the community who are actually focused on the interests of the wider community. One of his tweets gives a good flavor of what that looks like in 280 characters or less: [Read more]