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Not Just for the Government: Using the NIST Framework to Secure WordPress

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When setting up a WordPress website, it is easy to focus on the look and feel of the website, while overlooking the important aspect of security. This makes sense, because the security of a website is largely invisible until something goes wrong. Installing a cybersecurity plugin like Wordfence significantly reduces the chances of a successful attack on a WordPress site. What no software can fully protect is the human element. This is where cybersecurity models and frameworks come in. We discussed one cybersecurity model, the CIA Triad, a few months ago. There are other models and frameworks that each have their own strengths and weaknesses, depending on how they are implemented.

Cybersecurity frameworks are a common tool used by organizations to protect their networks, systems, and digital assets. One well-known framework is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework Core, which consists of Five Functions. While the NIST Framework Core is often associated with securing government networks, the same principles apply to WordPress websites as well.

The Five Functions in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework Core are identified as the Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover phases. Each phase describes an important aspect of securing an organization’s physical and digital assets. Rather than a list of dos and don’ts, these were written to be guidelines that help in making decisions that affect organization’s risk management. The best way to view this is as a cycle that is repeated whenever there is a cybersecurity incident or change to the protected assets.