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How to add global identifiers on variable products with WooCommerce SEO

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Many online stores powered by WooCommerce sell products in different variations. A t-shirt, for instance, might be available in a range of colors and sizes. As a result, all these product variants might have different EANs or UPCs and other global identifiers that you like to add to the product data. In addition, you want to add all this to your product structured data. Unfortunately, WooCommerce doesn’t let you do this very quickly. Luckily, there’s a solution in our WooCommerce SEO plugin.

What are unique product identifiers or global identifiers?

Every individual product has a code to identify it. This unique product identifier helps us make sense of the different variations a product might have. Not only us but search engines like Google also use these different product identifiers to learn what product variation we are talking about and what they need to show in the search results.