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Hallway Hangout: Editor Tech Lead role 101

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Serving as Editor Tech Co-leads for WordPress 6.0, @zieladam and @gziolo not only shipped our most polished version of the Block Editor so far, but they also walked the extra mile to automate a lot of the legwork involved in the process

For WordPress 6.1, @czapla and @bernhard-reiter will be the Editor Tech Co-leads. Since it is a first for both of them, their predecessors have graciously agreed to walk them through the process.

As this knowledge might be valuable to others – especially future generations of Editor Tech Leads – @annezazu suggested turning this into a public Hallway Hangout that will be recorded and shared. Yours truly, serving as Co-release Coordinator in both 6.0 and 6.1, will join this merry band to facilitate.