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Designing A Better Back Button UX

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There aren’t many things in usability testing that keep showing up over and over again. One of them is the anxiety people experience when they have to go back to the previous page. Users generally don’t have much trust in the browser’s “Back” button, and for a good reason. We’ve all been in a situation when a browser’s “Back” button just didn’t work as expected, driving us away from the goal, rather than towards it.

For single-page checkouts, the Back button should bring a user to the previous step, not to the previous page. Designed by Adam Silver. (View large version)

For example, if you happen to be in a multi-step process such as checkout, the “Back” button would often bring you to the very start of the process, rather than to the previous page, with all your data evaporated in thin air. And sometimes, we have to retype sensitive data such as credit card numbers multiple times because it can’t be stored for security reasons.