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The Ultimate Overview of the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) for Developers in 2022

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Regardless of what you call it, the WordPress Block Editor (or Gutenberg if you’ve been following along for a while) brings some baggage along for the ride. I’ve been following the noise and #wpdrama surrounding the Block Editor for as long as it has been around. At first, the din was deafening. Now though, as the editor has matured, the negative talk has turned to optimism.

Initially, I had negative emotions around the whole project, and so did many others. Despite my resistance to change, I tried it and enjoyed the experience. The good news is that there are many resources to help you become an expert with the WordPress Block Editor.

In this post, I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of the Block Editor and look to give you some advice on using the editor in an optimal way.