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Push Zone Supports Image Processing

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Push Zones are now seamlessly supporting Image Processing! This allows global image hosting without having the images hosted on another origin server. The complete feature set of Image Processing is now also available for Push Zones. It only takes a few steps to upload and transform images. Our edge servers are directly linked to our global storage cluster, which ensures faster loading times of images. This is ideal for delivering images of any size with low latency regardless of where the user is located.

Advantages of using image hostingImage hosting comes with a number of advantages that will make delivering assets fast and easy:

No origin server needed: Images are hosted on the KeyCDN infrastructure.Accelerated uploads: Images can be uploaded through FTP(S) or rsync over SSH.Secure storage: Our image hosting solution is highly redundant and distributed.High throughput: Images are transformed in real time for excellent performance.Purge push assets: Purge assets immediately in the KeyCDN dashboard or through the API.No commitment: Scale up and down anytime and only pay for the images processed.Using Push Zones for Image Processing means that KeyCDN takes care of the whole transformation and delivering process once the images have been uploaded.