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Demystifying Website Hacktools: Types, Threats, and Detection

When we think about website malware, visible infection symptoms most often come to mind: unwanted ads or pop-ups, redirects to third party sites, or spam keywords in search results. However, in some cases these very symptoms are the results of Continue reading Demystifying Website Hacktools: Types, Threats, and Detection

Vulnerability in Essential Addons for Elementor Leads to Mass Infection

On May 11th, 2023, the very popular WordPress plugin Essential Addons for Elementor released a patch for a critical privilege escalation vulnerability, initially discovered by PatchStack. The technical details of this vulnerability can be found on their recent blog post. Continue reading Vulnerability in Essential Addons for Elementor Leads to Mass Infection

Websites Defaced with Belarusian Bottled Water Company Content

It’s not often that we get the opportunity to write about website defacements on this blog. Defacements — where a website homepage is replaced with a hacker logo or some sort of political or religious message — are usually fairly Continue reading Websites Defaced with Belarusian Bottled Water Company Content

Xjquery Wave of WordPress SocGholish Injections

In November, 2022, my colleague Ben Martin described how hackers were using zipped files and encrypted WordPress options stored in the database to inject SocGholish scripts into compromised WordPress sites. A bit later, we documented minor changes in the way Continue reading Xjquery Wave of WordPress SocGholish Injections

What is Steganography? (Or, How Hackers Hide Malware On Websites)

As a child, I loved sending secret messages to my friends using invisible ink. A quick squeeze of lemon juice was all I needed to jot down my secret message. When combined with a simple heat source (I used the Continue reading What is Steganography? (Or, How Hackers Hide Malware On Websites)

Massive Abuse of an Abandoned Eval PHP WordPress Plugin

Attackers are always finding new and creative ways to compromise websites and maintain their foothold in environments. This is frequently done via the use of backdoors: PHP scripts designed to allow attackers access and control even after you’ve changed your Continue reading Massive Abuse of an Abandoned Eval PHP WordPress Plugin

Balada Injector: Synopsis of a Massive Ongoing WordPress Malware Campaign

Our team at Sucuri has been tracking a massive WordPress infection campaign since 2017 — but up until recently never bothered to give it a proper name. Typically, we refer to it as an ongoing long lasting massive WordPress infection Continue reading Balada Injector: Synopsis of a Massive Ongoing WordPress Malware Campaign

Hacked Website Threat Report – 2022

Education is crucial in defending your website against emerging threats. That’s why we are thrilled to share our 2022 Website Threat Research Report. Disseminating this information to the community helps educate website owners about the latest trends and threats. This Continue reading Hacked Website Threat Report – 2022

How to Find & Fix: WordPress Pharma Hack

Finding bogus content and unexpected links for prescription drugs on your WordPress website can be a frustrating experience. But don’t blame your site: it just got caught up in a bad crowd of black hat SEO spammers and fell victim Continue reading How to Find & Fix: WordPress Pharma Hack

Magbo Spam Injection Encoded with hex2bin

We recently had a new client come to us with a rather peculiar issue on their WordPress website: They were receiving unwanted popup advertisements but only when the website was accessed through links posted on FaceBook. Initially we thought that Continue reading Magbo Spam Injection Encoded with hex2bin

Is My Site Hacked? (13 Signs)

Symptoms of a hack can vary wildly. A concerning security alert from Google, a browser warning when you visit your site, or even a notice from your hosting provider that they’ve taken down your website — all of these events Continue reading Is My Site Hacked? (13 Signs)

Attackers Abuse Cron Jobs to Reinfect Websites

Malicious cron jobs are nothing new; we’ve seen attackers use them quite frequently to reinfect websites. However, in recent months we’ve noticed a distinctive new wave of these infections that appears to be closely related to this article about a Continue reading Attackers Abuse Cron Jobs to Reinfect Websites

The Dangers of Installing Nulled WordPress Themes and Plugins

Nulled WordPress themes and plugins are a controversial topic for many in the web development world — and arguably one of the bigger threats to WordPress security. Essentially modified versions of official WordPress themes and plugins with their licensing restrictions Continue reading The Dangers of Installing Nulled WordPress Themes and Plugins

Bogus URL Shorteners Redirect Thousands of Hacked Sites in AdSense Fraud Campaign

Late last year we reported on a malware campaign targeting thousands of WordPress websites to redirect visitors to bogus Q&A websites. The sites themselves contained very little useful information to a regular visitor, but — more importantly — also contained Continue reading Bogus URL Shorteners Redirect Thousands of Hacked Sites in AdSense Fraud Campaign

Konami Code Backdoor Concealed in Image

Attackers are always looking for new ways to conceal their malware and evade detection, whether it’s through new forms of obfuscation, concatenation, or — in this case — unorthodox use of image file extensions. One of the most common backdoors Continue reading Konami Code Backdoor Concealed in Image

Massive Campaign Uses Hacked WordPress Sites as Platform for Black Hat Ad Network

Every so often attackers register a new domain to host their malware. In many cases, these new domains are associated with specific malware campaigns, often related to redirecting legitimate website traffic to third party sites of their choosing — including Continue reading Massive Campaign Uses Hacked WordPress Sites as Platform for Black Hat Ad Network