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Multisite Tools Addon 1.2 Released: Migrate Single Sites To and From Multisites

It’s a happy day here at the Delicious Brains virtual office, we’ve just released version 1.2 of the Multisite Tools (MST) addon for WP Migrate DB Pro! Singular Drive Since MST 1.1 you’ve been able to drive a migration between Continue reading Multisite Tools Addon 1.2 Released: Migrate Single Sites To and From Multisites

WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8 Released: Import SQL File & More

The WP Migrate DB Pro team is very excited to announce the release of version 1.8! We’ve packed in an awesome new feature and improved a bunch of existing functionality. So without further ado, let’s go over what’s new! Import Continue reading WP Migrate DB Pro 1.8 Released: Import SQL File & More

WP Offload S3 0.9.7 & Pro Upgrade 1.0.2 Released with 3 New Addons

We don’t usually do a blog post for a minor release, but this is a massive minor release and deserves some attention. Although we haven’t added any new features to warrant a major version bump, we’ve still done a lot Continue reading WP Offload S3 0.9.7 & Pro Upgrade 1.0.2 Released with 3 New Addons