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Decoding Magecart: Credit Card Skimmers Concealed Through Pixels & Images

MageCart infections most often come in the form of complex, obfuscated JavaScript injected into Magento database tables such as core_config_data, or as malicious plugins or core file injections installed into WordPress / WooCommerce environments (which are increasingly common, and may Continue reading Decoding Magecart: Credit Card Skimmers Concealed Through Pixels & Images

Examining Less-Common WordPress Credit Card Skimmers

Since 2020 considerable attention has been spent analysing the emergence of MageCart malware within WordPress environments which most commonly affects sites using WooCommerce. As demonstrated in a previous post WordPress has quickly become the most commonly affected CMS platform for Continue reading Examining Less-Common WordPress Credit Card Skimmers

WooCommerce Credit Card Skimmer Uses Telegram Bot to Exfiltrate Stolen Data

Our story starts like many others told on this blog: A new client came to us with reported cases of credit card theft on their eCommerce website. The website owner had received complaints from several customers who reported bogus transactions Continue reading WooCommerce Credit Card Skimmer Uses Telegram Bot to Exfiltrate Stolen Data

Smilodon Credit Card Skimming Malware Shifts to WordPress

WordPress’ massive market share has come with an unsurprising side effect: As more and more site admins turn to popular plugins like WooCommerce to turn a profit on their website and set up online stores we’ve seen a significant increase Continue reading Smilodon Credit Card Skimming Malware Shifts to WordPress

It Takes 2 Seconds of Silence to Skim a Credit Card

E-commerce websites are valuable targets for attackers. Bad actors often leverage creative techniques to conceal their credit card stealers and gather sensitive credit card information from online storefronts. A recent investigation for a compromised Magento website revealed a rather interesting Continue reading It Takes 2 Seconds of Silence to Skim a Credit Card

Credit Card Stealer Targets PsiGate Payment Gateway Software

Magento’s payment provider gateway offers functionalities for site owners to integrate stores with payment service providers. This handy feature lets a website create and handle transactions based on order details and allows for out-of-the-box integrations with payment service providers like Continue reading Credit Card Stealer Targets PsiGate Payment Gateway Software

Analyzing a WooCommerce Credit Card Skimmer

The number of credit card skimmers targeting WooCommerce websites has skyrocketed over the past year, and threat actors have become increasingly creative in the different ways they obfuscate their payloads to avoid traditional detection. During a recent investigation for an Continue reading Analyzing a WooCommerce Credit Card Skimmer