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CLPTE Request for picu plugin

We are responsible for the picu Plugin that we would like to provide translations for. Can you please grant @translationsbypicu Cross-Locale PTE access for these plugins: picu – (@tobifjellner) ShareTweetSharePostSharePin It!

CLPTE Request for Jetpack plugins

We are responsible for some Jetpack plugins that we would like to provide translations for. Can you please grant @translationsbyautomattic Cross-Locale PTE access for these plugins: Move to – ShareTweetSharePostSharePin It!

CLPTE Request

Hi Polyglots, I would like to request #clpte access for the DevtasksUp – ClickUp integration plugin at I created a new account for CLPTE ( @martinvalchev) and a new Slack account (@martinvalchev). ShareTweetSharePostSharePin It!

CLPTE Request

Hi Polyglots, I would like to request #clpte access for the Time Slot plugin at I created a new account for CLPTE ( @timeslottranslations ) and a new Slack account (@timeslottranslations). ShareTweetSharePostSharePin It!

CLPTE request

Hi Polyglots, We are the author of the Depicter plugin and we are hiring expert translators for different languages to help us translate our plugin. So I would like to ask for CLPTE request for @imagd account ShareTweetSharePostSharePin It!