Best WordPress Hosting

Five WordPress Security Plugins Prevented Exploitation of Serious Vulnerability in Another Security Plugin

One of the things that should have long ago raised a lot of alarm about the state of the WordPress security industry is how often security plugins are found to contain vulnerabilities. Instead, it has been treated as evidence that Continue reading Five WordPress Security Plugins Prevented Exploitation of Serious Vulnerability in Another Security Plugin

Only Four WordPress Security Plugins Protected Against Exploitation of Serious Vulnerability in Plugin From WordPress

Earlier this month we spotted a serious vulnerability being introduced in to a WordPress plugin that comes directly from WordPress. It turned out that vulnerability had been introduced in to it by an employee of the company closely associated with Continue reading Only Four WordPress Security Plugins Protected Against Exploitation of Serious Vulnerability in Plugin From WordPress

All In One WP Security & Firewall Only WordPress Firewall Plugin to Increase Protection in Our Testing This Month

One of the ways we measure how much protection that WordPress security plugins provide against the real threat of vulnerabilities in other WordPress plugins, is to run software we have designed to make sure that our own firewall plugin’s protection Continue reading All In One WP Security & Firewall Only WordPress Firewall Plugin to Increase Protection in Our Testing This Month

Only Six WordPress Security Plugins Protected Against Exploitation of Zero-Day Vulnerability in BackupBuddy

Last week the developer of one of the most popular WordPress security plugins, iThemes Security, disclosed that another of their plugins, BackupBuddy, had recently had a zero-day vulnerability. That is a vulnerability being exploited by a hacker before the developer Continue reading Only Six WordPress Security Plugins Protected Against Exploitation of Zero-Day Vulnerability in BackupBuddy

The All In One WP Security & Firewall Plugin Provides Little Firewall Protection With Recommended Settings

When we do testing of WordPress security plugins to see what protection, if any, they provide against vulnerabilities in other plugins; we try to enable any options that will cause them to provide all the protection they could possibly offer. Continue reading The All In One WP Security & Firewall Plugin Provides Little Firewall Protection With Recommended Settings

Only Two WordPress Security Plugins Prevented Exploitation of Vulnerability in Security Plugin WP Cerber

Security plugins for WordPress are supposed to help protect websites from being hacked, but not only do most of them not do a good job of that, they often introduce security vulnerabilities of their own. Like most vulnerabilities in WordPress Continue reading Only Two WordPress Security Plugins Prevented Exploitation of Vulnerability in Security Plugin WP Cerber

Developers of 1+ Million Install WordPress Security Plugin All In One WP Security & Firewall Not Disclosing Change in Ownership

The latest version of the WordPress security plugin All In One WP Security & Firewall fixed a minor security vulnerability. While there is an extensive changelog for that version, there doesn’t appear to be any mention of that. Take a Continue reading Developers of 1+ Million Install WordPress Security Plugin All In One WP Security & Firewall Not Disclosing Change in Ownership