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Functions and hooks for required fields in WordPress 6.1

When forms contain multiple required fields, their labels might have an asterisk with a legend to explain that those fields are required. To reduce code duplication and to help maintain globally consistent markup, WordPress has two new functions: wp_required_field_indicator() and Continue reading Functions and hooks for required fields in WordPress 6.1

Filters for theme.json data

WordPress 6.1 has introduced some server-side filters to hook into the theme.json data provided at the different data layers: theme_json_default: hooks into the default data provided by WordPress theme_json_blocks: hooks into the data provided by the blocks ShareTweetSharePostSharePin It!

Editor Components updates in WordPress 6.1

This post lists notable changes to the @wordpress/components package for the WordPress 6.1 release: Changes to the Popover componentPreparing CustomSelectControl to take up the entire width of its parent. Components with deprecated margin styles. Changes to the Popover component The Popover component Continue reading Editor Components updates in WordPress 6.1

Escaping Table and Field names with wpdb::prepare() in WordPress 6.1

As part of the WordPress 6.1 release, wpdb::prepare() has been updated so it can escape Identifiers (such as Table and Field names) with the %i placeholder (#52506). This ensures these values are escaped correctly and don’t lead to SQL Injection Vulnerabilities. Continue reading Escaping Table and Field names with wpdb::prepare() in WordPress 6.1

Improved PHP performance for core blocks registration

Early block.json Registration Method Starting with WordPress 5.8, extenders were encouraged to begin to utilize block.json to register blocks through a unified registration process. The benefits offered by this update provide consistency and convenience when registering blocks through PHP or Continue reading Improved PHP performance for core blocks registration

Introducing “Update URI” theme header in WordPress 6.1

WordPress 6.1 introduces a new header available for theme authors. This allows third-party themes to avoid accidentally being overwritten with an update of a theme of a similar name from the Theme Directory. Previously, any custom theme which used the same slug as a theme Continue reading Introducing “Update URI” theme header in WordPress 6.1