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Record number of contributors for the Catalog

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This week we will be deploying a new version of the catalog, v1.3.6. Our continuous deployment setup automatically ships changes to DAGs on each commit to main, but changes to our Docker image (e.g. configuration or dependency version changes) require a new release. Thus we occasionally need to cut a release and deploy a new version of the catalog. This release also marks the completion of the Provider DAG refactors milestone, a huge effort to modernize and update our provider ingestion scripts.

What’s particularly exciting about this release is that it has the largest number of unique contributors to the catalog since the start of the Openverse project! We had contributions over 16 different maintainers & community members (and even a few bots), many of whom contributed to the catalog for the first time.

Thank you to all the following who made this possible (and those who contributed in ways other than committing):