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Brotli Compression: A Fast Alternative to GZIP Compression

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Speed is important for any website. In the web’s pursuit of fast loading times, we have a number of different technologies to help us. One approach is to minimize the underlying code your site will use without affecting how it functions. GZIP compression is one way to do this, but Brotli compression is an alternative fledgling method that commands attention.

It’s a Google-developed solution that looks to provide a number of benefits over (as well as an alternative to) GZIP compression. The details in this article will go into exactly what the technology offers, but Brotli compression is fast and efficient — which ticks all the boxes you need to investigate it.

For this tutorial, we’re going to look into Brotli compression and show you how to check whether your site uses it, and how to enable it if you need to. First, we’re going to place Brotli within the compression algorithm space, and talk about why you’d want to use it over other solutions.